The Watershed Game: STREAM MODEL of the Classroom Version
The Classroom Version Stream Model of the Watershed Game is a large-format board game designed to include both small group work and whole-class play components. It helps students understand the relationship between land uses within a watershed, water quality, and their community. Working in teams, students apply tools (prevention, practices, plans, and policies) to decrease water pollution while balancing financial resources. The goal of the activity is to reduce nonpoint source water pollution from various land uses to the stream without going broke.
The Game emphasizes collaboration and cooperative decision-making, persuasive argument, teamwork, and leadership skills along with science and math. The Game can be connected to multiple education standards, including Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, and various state standards.
The Game is designed for middle school (grades 6 – 8), but can easily be extended to upper elementary and high school.
The Stream Model is the only Classroom Version model currently available, but it is anticipated that a Coast Model will be available in June 2023.
The Classroom Version Stream Model includes the following contents: 6 game board pieces that fit together to form the watershed game board; 1 game extension card; 1 watershed reference map; 1 pollution key; 29 tool cards; 24 role cards; 50 watershed game money; 25 student worksheets; 4 laminated student worksheets; printed materials (information guide, lesson plan overview, lesson plan instructions, appendix, and quick reference guide); 5 dry erase markers; and 1 dry eraser.
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